Battery stored energy can provide cost reductions and revenue opportunities. These combined can save up to 25% on an electricity bill.

Battery Energy Storage Systems


Lithium battery technology has evolved rapidly. It’s compact, low cost and low maintenance compared to traditional lead acid battery systems. It’s also perfectly placed to compliment existing technologies such as Solar (PV), wind, CHP and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging.

Stored energy can create significant operational efficiencies, these efficiencies in turn reduce carbon emissions.

Battery stored energy can also be used as an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) providing emergency power and replacing diesel generators.


Battery Storage technology enables the use of off-peak (low cost) electricity during peak hours (high cost) to either generate savings or create additional revenue.

It can also be used to alter the ratio of a traditional electricity bill. It reduces the Environmental & Social obligation charges plus the Operating and Network costs (DUoS, TNUoS / Triad, CCL and reactive power charges) and increases revenue opportunities through National Grid Contracts (FFR, CM, NX2T), energy arbitrage and renewable generation incomes.


With a typical service life of anywhere between 15 to 25 years and a weight reduction of around 50% vs a Lead Acid cell equivalent, Lithium batteries are a significant improvement on traditional installations.

Their modular design and enhanced charging times lend themselves ideally to bespoke installations, from 100kW up to large scale battery systems of 10MW and upwards.

Our systems interface seamlessly with Building Management Systems and Energy Management Systems and high levels of thermal control and fire protection ensure safe product operation.

End of life recycling is important. Our products are fully compliant with the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009.